Antony Locke Cakes Antony Locke Bakery Feel free below to see just a sample of the Antony Locke Bakery Products Delicious recipes guarantee Antony Locke bakery produce the finest of cakes, pastys and breads Tasty and Fresh We bake each day at Antony Locke bakery to ensure that our products stay fresh and tasty each day. Baker hands kneading the dough with flour. Bread preparation. Homemade bakery Antony Locke getting the best grain for the bread at antony locke bakery Antony piping the cakes at antony locke bakery Putting the final touches of some delicious pastry items at Antony Locke Bakery In store at Antony Locke Bakery choosing some cakes and other iteams in the shop This is Antony Locke with the cakes he has just made for Antony Locke Bakery Antony Cooking in the Kitchen at Antony Locke bakery